Registration is Open for Summer Syllabus!

Please contact us if you have any questions!


To view the age category for your student, click the 'Enroll in Programs' button under your Student Enrollments

Order of grades is based on age and experience

Pre-School 3-4 years
Kindermix 4-5 years
Pre-Primary 5-6 years
Primary 6-7 years
Grade One 7-8 years
Grade Two 8-9 years
Grade Three 9-10 years
Grade Four 10-11 years
Pre-Elementary 12-13 years
Elementary 13-14 years
Intermediate 13-16 years
Senior Year One 15+ years
Senior Year Two 15+ years
Pre-Teen 9-12 years
Teen 13-17 years
Adult 18+ years

Age Requirements: The cut-off date for age requirements is December 31st - same as school. Enroll your dancers in their appropriate age group - dancers not enrolled in the appropriate age group will be withdrawn and will need to register again.

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